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Dr. Nguyễn Minh Tiến
University of Danang, Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Azis
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Azis
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Muhammad Aziz is principal investigator in Laboratory of Energy and Process Integration [EPI], Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan. He Leads various research projects at the EPI Lab mainly in the topic of “Advanced Production and Utilization of Secondary Energy Source Toward Energy Sustainability”. His recent publication entitled “Production of ammonia as potential hydrogen carrier: Review on Thermochemical and Electrochemical Processes” was accepted in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
Prof. Dr. Ishak M.Si
Rector of Universitas Teuku Umar
Prof. Dr. Ishak M.Si
Rector of Universitas Teuku Umar
My name Ishak Hasan. Graduated from Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Syiah Kuala University on 1985. in the major of Cooperative Sains. Magister Sains in Cooperative Department has completed 1994 at University of Padjajaran. I had finish Doctor in Economic at University of Padjajaran Bandung West Java in 2003. Alumnus Centre of Social Studies Syiah Kuala University in 1990. Lecture at Cooperative Sains (Economic Education Department) FKIP Unsyiah since 1986.