2nd AESTI 2024
Conference Schedulue
Abstract Submission
Submit a concise abstract summarizing your research or project according to guidelines provided by the conferences.
Conference Schedulue
Announcement of Abstract Submission
Follow guideline on our website to submit your research summary
Conference Schedulue
Regular Registration
Regular registration is now open for the conference. Secure your spot before the deadline to avail of the standard rate."
Conference Schedulue
Full Paper Submission
"Full paper submission is now open for authors. Please follow the submission guidelines provided on our website. Thank you."
Conference Schedulue
Annoucement of Full Paper Acceptance
"We are pleased to announce the acceptance of your full paper. Further instructions will be provided shortly. Congratulations!"
Conference Schedulue
Final Manuscript
"Please submit your final manuscript following the provided guidelines and deadline for inclusion in our publication or event."
Conference Schedulue
Conferences Date
"Conference dates: 28 October 2024. Save the date and join our Hybrid exciting event in Auditorium GKT Universitas Teuku Umar, Jl. Alue Peunyareng, Gunong Kleng, Kec. Meureubo, Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh 23681 "